The Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FCAAP) is Florida’s premier organization representing the interests of pediatricians and pediatric providers in Florida. FCAAP and its more than 2,800 members believe it’s a moral imperative that all children receive quality healthcare, not just for their immediate wellbeing, but also to encourage their growth into productive, contributing adults that will ensure a bright future for our state and its residents for decades to come.
Through vigorous advocacy for children and pediatricians, programs to promote and support pediatrics as a career choice for medical students and new physicians, continuing education opportunities and events, and so much more, FCAAP provides the necessary tools, resources, and support to build the best foundation for Florida’s children.
FCAAP promotes the health and welfare of Florida’s children (newborns, infants, children, adolescents, and young adults), and supports pediatricians and pediatric specialists as the best qualified providers of their healthcare.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recognizes outstanding AAP work of individuals or chapter achievements. After reviewing the chapter annual reports, the District Vice Chairpersons (DVC) Committee identifies successful chapter projects based on the chapter’s work in the areas of membership, advocacy, quality improvement, and education. FCAAP is honored that our dedication and success has been recognized by the AAP.
2020 AAP Outstanding Chapter Award — Very Large Chapter
FCAAP was thrilled to receive the 2020 American Academy of Pediatrics Outstanding Chapter Award in the Very Large Chapter Category! FCAAP’s 2020 initiatives that resulted in this honor included:
- The COVID-19 Forum Series.
- The “FCAAP Recommendations Regarding Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic” white paper . PDF
- The #FCAAPWellness program for Chapter members.
- The FCAAP Trainee Tips video series for trainee members.
Full details can be found in FCAAP’s 2020 Annual Report . PDF
2019 Award of Chapter Excellence — Very Large Chapter
The Chapter is delighted to have received the 2019 American Academy of Pediatrics Award of Chapter Excellence (ACE) in the Very Large Chapter category in recognition of the outstanding work all our members do to support Florida’s children.
The modern FCAAP was created through a merger between the Florida Pediatric Society (FPS), which was established in 1936, and the state Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), established in on April 27, 1952.
In 1951, Floridian Warren Quillian, MD was elected to lead the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). As the first Southeastern doctor to hold this office, he encouraged the establishment of a state Chapter to further the organization’s goals on behalf of children.
After years of study and deliberation, FPS and FCAAP merged. The Constitution and Bylaws for the newly combined group were ratified on September 22, 1967.