Parents, we’re looking out for you! We’ve collected these resource links covering topics you care about. We hope you find them helpful, but remember: Nothing takes the place of a consultation with your child’s pediatrician! This list is by no means exhaustive, and FCAAP assumes no responsibility for content on linked sites.

Find a Pediatric Healthcare Provider

Quick Educational Videos:

Kids and Families in Florida are hungry. More than 22% of children in Florida live in a “food insecure” household meaning there is not enough food in the house for every member of the family. If you or someone you know is struggling with hunger and food insecurity we can help!

We have provided you with 4 main resources that will help you access healthy and nutritious foods for your family immediately. Remember to always speak with your Pediatrician. A doctor can help you find programs that provide healthy food for you and your family. Click here – REACH 4 Help to learn and apply for no cost food and nutrition programs in your area..

Wellness and Prevention




Heart Health



Obesity Prevention

Perinatal Health


  • Led by the Florida Department of Health, Spill the Water! is a fun, educational campaign that teaches kids about mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can breed in as little as one teaspoon or a bottle cap of water, so eliminating sources of standing water around homes is critical to keep mosquitoes from multiplying. When kids Spill the Water!, they can be superheroes in their home and community! Visit the campaign website for fun activity sheets for kids and useful information for parents on protecting children and babies from mosquitoes.

Mental Health

Anxiety and Depression

Developmental Stages

Divorce Education



Health care Resources

Florida KidCare

Health Care Transitions for Youth


Public Charge Resources

The public charge rule goes into effect on February 24, 2020.

School Health Services


Covid-19 Resources

Below is FCAAP’s compilation of resource materials for parents on the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This list is updated as new information becomes available.

COVID-19 Vaccine for Children and Teens: What to Know

The authorization of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for ages 5 and older is a vital step in bringing lifesaving vaccines to children and adolescents. You’ve got plenty of questions. The internet has loads of answers. Unfortunately, though, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. For reliable, evidence-based information, turn to your child’s doctor. Pediatricians just like yours have dedicated their time to answer parents’ most pressing questions about the COVID-19 vaccine. Whether your child is a toddler or a teen, you will find credible information that you can trust right here from pediatricians about COVID-19.

AAP’s Updated Recommendations for Face Masks for Children

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the continued use of a well-fitting face mask for children and teens who are age 2 years and older and not yet fully vaccinated. You can read their full recommendations here, and review additional helpful articles from below.


From AAP’s

Additional Resources:

COVID-19 and Legal Aid and Resources for the Public

For additional COVID-19 resources, visit FCAAP’s provider resource page.

The information provided on this page is subject to change without notice based upon new information, resources, and directives from federal, state, and local authorities and medical experts. While FCAAP will do its best to update information that has been changed due to the issuance of new guidance and directives, there will be a delay in such updates and we cannot guarantee that all information will be updated to reflect such changes. This information is provided only as general guidance and is not being offered as a medical or legal opinion.

other languages:

recursos en español

Las sugerencias siguientes se han creado para servir como un recurso o referencia para usted. Esta lista es de ninguna manera exhaustiva y el FPS/FCAAP no puede asumir ninguna responsabilidad del contenido en sitios ligados. Si usted tiene algunas preguntas o preocupaciones por alguna información contenida aquí, hable por favor con su pediatra o su dentista pediátrico.

Encuentre un Pediatra

El programa Vaccines for Children

Familias de bajos ingresos pueden ser elegibles para vacunas a costo reducido o sin costo a través de el programa Vaccines for Children. Para más información, haga clic aquí.

vídeos en español

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