When people come together for a common purpose, their influence is amplified. Joining FCAAP increases your success as a pediatric healthcare provider in Florida. The benefits of FCAAP membership include educational opportunities, career and practice resources, and more. FCAAP membership is open to physicians, allied health professionals, residents, and medical students. Make a valuable investment in your career, and in the lives of Florida’s children, today!
Become an FCAAP Member Today
Fellow Member ($200)
Pediatricians or Pediatric Specialists licensed and practicing in Florida. Members of AAP as Fellows, Candidate Members, Specialty Fellows, or Post-Residency Training Fellows shall be considered a Fellow of FCAAP. Fellow members may serve on committees, vote, and hold elective office.
Associate Member ($200)
A Physician or Pediatric Dentist licensed and practicing in Florida. Associate members of AAP shall be considered an Associate member of FCAAP, and may serve on committees.
Young Physician Member ($200)
Pediatrician or Pediatric Specialist licensed and practicing in Florida and 40 years of age or younger. Young Physician members of the AAP shall be considered a Young Physician member of FCAAP. Young Physician members may serve on committees, vote, and hold elective office.
Allied Health Professional (PA, ARNP, etc.) ($100)
Any health professional, such as a Physician’s Assistant or Advanced Practice Registered Nurse not stated in another category, who works in the field or specialty of pediatrics. Allied Health Professional members may serve on committees.
Resident Member (free)
Residents enrolled in a Florida pediatric residency training program. Resident members of the AAP shall be considered a Resident member of the FCAAP, and may serve on committees.
Medical Student Member (free)
Medical students enrolled in a medical school and pursuing a career in pediatrics. Medical Student members may serve on committees.
Lifetime Member ($1,500)
Any member who is dedicated to FCAAP membership as a lifelong commitment is invited to join FCAAP as a Lifetime Member. If you are interested in becoming a lifetime member of FCAAP, please email Anayra Barreras Pena, FCAAP Membership Coordinator, for more information.
To join by phone please call the AAP Membership Department 866-843-2271 from 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET.