FCAAP Projects

FCAAP is engaged in a variety of grant-funded projects throughout the year with the help and leadership of its Committees, Task Forces, and members. Below is a list of current and recently concluded grant-funded projects. Details on learning opportunities associated with projects can be found on the FCAAP Member Resources page.

For more information on how to get involved or to start a new project, please contact Ashley Politz, FCAAP Director of Programs and Events, at apolitz@fcaap.org.


Status: Current


This project focuses on educating families on measles, including how to protect children with the MMR vaccine.

Suicide Prevention

Status: Current

Primary Leaders: Drs. Corrine Bria and Jennifer Hipp, FCAAP Suicide Prevention Ambassadors

Funded through a grant from the AAP, FCAAP’s 2023-2024 Suicide Prevention Ambassadors are collaborating with the Florida Chapters of the American Suicide Prevention Foundation to identify suicide prevention resources for children and adolescents on Medicaid in Jacksonville and Orlando, and to establish relationships with community partners to facilitate conversations between pediatricians, families, and community organizations working towards suicide prevention in children and adolescents.

Infectious Diseases

Status: Current

Associated Task Force: Emerging Infections

Funded by a grant from the AAP Section on Infectious Diseases, this project supports the dissemination of two algorithms created by the FCAAP Emerging Infections Task Force to help general pediatricians provide appropriate care for two common conditions that affect newborns in Florida. One algorithm provides an easy-to-follow visual flow chart on the proper steps for Cytomegalovirus (CMV) evaluation of newborns based upon the results of the newborn’s initial hearing screen prior to discharge. The other algorithm provides two easy to follow visual flow charts on the steps to follow for newborns with a perinatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) exposure, including antiretroviral regimens, recommended virologic testing, and recommendations for breastfeeding.

Suicide Prevention Advocacy

Status: Current

Associated Committee: Legislative Advocacy

This focus of this project is to equip Florida’s pediatric residents with information and resources to advocate for funding and services at the state level to address the mental health crisis, including identification of children at risk for suicide, reduction of their access to lethal means, increasing access to affordable care, and ensuring adequate insurance coverage for the necessary screenings, interventions, and follow-up services.

HPV and Influenza

Status: Current

Associated Committee: Immunizations

The goal of this project is to educate families on the importance of childhood immunizations, specifically to improve HPV and pediatric influenza vaccination rates in the state.

Immunization Health Equity

Status: Current

Associated Committee: Immunizations

This project focuses on dispelling COVID-19, Flu, and RSV vaccine mis-and dis-information and promoting vaccine confidence among families.

Resident Vaccine Advocacy

Status: Current

Associated Committee: Legislative Advocacy

This project will support pediatric residents seeking to engage with the state legislature to promote access to childhood vaccines and to educate legislators on the importance of improving the state’s childhood immunization rates.

Project FirstLine

Status: Current

Associated Committee: Emerging Infections

Focus: Project Firstline is the CDC’s National Training Collaborative for Healthcare Infection Control. Thanks to support from the National AAP, FCAAP is hosting an Infection Prevention and Control challenge for pediatricians in Florida. All pediatricians are encouraged to participate in the Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Champion Challenge, being hosted through May 1, 2024, to earn fun prizes. Read more on how to participate here!

Disaster preparedness

Status: Current

Primary Leader: Disaster preparedness ambassador Dr. mavra agrawal
Associated Committee: disaster preparedness

Focus: To provide pediatricians resources to educate families on systems of care for special needs children during a natural disaster.


Status: Current

Primary Leader: Dr. Jasmine Reese
Associated Committee: Mental Health Task Force

Focus: To implement the Training Residents in Adolescent Depression (T.R.I.A.D) curriculum into some of Florida’s Residency Programs in order to increase the proportion of children and adolescents who get appropriate treatment for depression. Florida-based pediatric residency programs that are interested in offering the T.R.I.A.D. curriculum to their residents are encouraged to contact Alicia Adams at aadams@fcaap.org to learn more.

Patient Centered Medical Home Transition

FCAAP’s 2023 Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) Transition Program was such a success, we’re doing it again! Funded through a grant from Sunshine Health and in partnership with Patient Centered Solutions Consulting, LLC (PCS), FCAAP’s 2024 project will facilitate the transformation of ten primary care pediatric practices, providing full-service consultation and support. Recruitment is open now and the project will conclude this fall with all ten practices successfully completing the program and attaining recognition by the National Committee for Quality Assurance Patient-Centered Medical Home Program!

If you’re interested in learning more about how your practice can participate in a this year’s PCMH transition project, please complete this brief assessment.

Thank you to Sunshine Health for sponsoring this project!


Status: Current

Associated Committee: Immunization Committee

Focus: Educating families about the importance of vaccine to protect against the fall respiratory viruses, including COVID-19, Flu, and RSV. The project will include social media posts, resources for use in pediatric practices, and PSAs – all made available in English, Spanish, and Creole where appropriate.


Status: Current

Funded by a grant from the AAP with support from AT&T, the focus of this project is to support pediatricians in their efforts to educate families and caregivers about the importance of establishing healthy digital habits for their families, strengthen family awareness and use of the AAP Family Media Plan, and encourage use of the AT&T Phone Ready Quiz. FCAPP will host a provider training and will work with community partners to educate families.


Help Continue Our Mission to Improve the Health and Welfare of Children in Florida!