Join colleagues from across the state at 12:00pm ET (11:00am CT) on Thursday, December 12 for a free webinar led by William C. Anderson III, MD, FACAAI, FAAAI, FAAP, an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Colorado and the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
Most cases of pediatric asthma are diagnosed in primary care without the input of specialists. In addition, evidence has shown that asthma severity is not always assessed properly in the primary care setting and many patients who require referral to specialty care do not receive it. This program will provide learners with expert guidance regarding the identification and assessment of asthma severity in children, referral to specialty care as appropriate, and the role of targeted biologic therapy in pediatric patients with uncontrolled, moderate to severe asthma.
After attending the webinar, you will be able to:
- Recognize and assess the severity of uncontrolled, moderate to severe asthma in pediatric patients according to evidence-based guidelines and expert recommendations
- Refer pediatric patients with uncontrolled, moderate to severe asthma as appropriate on to specialty care
- Identify pediatric patients with uncontrolled, moderate to severe asthma who may be eligible for treatment with targeted biologic therapy
The webinar, Improving Outcomes for Pediatric Patients with Uncontrolled Moderate to Severe Asthma Using a Collaborative Approach: Recognition, Referral, and Management in the Era of Targeted Treatment Options, is free to attend and provides 1 hour of continuing education credits. Register for free here.