The website for the FCAAP Medical Home Transition Program is now available!
The FCAAP Medical Home Transition Program website includes numerous tools and resources designed to help pediatricians navigate through medical home program requirements. Through the website you can compare Medicaid to Medicare fees to determine the feasibility of transitioning to medical home recognition, determine which program (NCQA, AAAHC, and TJC) will work best for your practice, determine how much (or how little) work may be required to transition your practice to medical home recognition, and obtain template policies and procedures that can be customized to meet the requirements of the NCQA program (and utilized for the AAAHC and TJC programs).
The FCAAP Medical Home Transition Program website, including all of its resources, is FREE for all current members of FCAAP! And special pricing is available for FCAAP members who want more help through one-on-one consultation services through The Verden Group’s Patient Centered Solutions division.
Visit the new FCAAP Member-Only website to create a profile before logging in to access the FREE medical home resources through the Member-Only Resources page.
Not a member of FCAAP? Join online today!