Be Published in The Florida Pediatrician!

Sep 22, 2016 | Florida Pediatrician

Do you have a unique case report or research that has never been published? Have your original work published in The Florida Pediatrician – the peer-reviewed journal of the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics! Each quarterly edition contains original articles written by pediatricians, pediatric specialists, and other pediatric health care providers on topics relevant to the practice of pediatrics. Articles range from program highlights, case reports, research, and more. The FCAAP Editorial Board is accepting articles for the 2017 and 2018 editions of The Florida Pediatrician!

Check out the Summer 2016 edition of The Florida Pediatrician and contact FCAAP via email at for more information on how to submit an article for consideration.


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Contact Melanie Range, Administrator Coordinator at 850-224-3939 ext. 1001.