The Florida Pediatrician, Winter 2022

Feb 9, 2022 | Florida Pediatrician

The Winter 2022 edition of The Florida Pediatrician is now available. In this issue…

  • Application of Fluoride Varnish by Non-Dental Providers
  • Medical Legal Partnerships: A Novel Way to Help Address Health-harming Legal Needs and Social Determinants of Health in Pediatric Patients with Asthma
  • Correlation of Meningitis/Encephalitis PCR Panel Results with CSF Pleocytosis
  • em>Paenibacillus dendritiformisHemorrhagic Meningoencephalitis in an Infant: Case Report and Literature Review
  • Temporal and Environmental Trends in Pediatric Submersion: A Year-round Phenomenon
  • Telemedicine Surge in the Midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Residents’ Perspectives on Incorporating Telemedicine Training

Visit for the online version!

The Florida Pediatrician is a peer reviewed journal published quarterly by the Editorial Board of the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics. The journal includes scientific articles, case reports, legislative updates, and other information relevant to pediatricians, pediatric specialists, and pediatric allied health practitioners in Florida.

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Contact Melanie Range, Administrator Coordinator at 850-224-3939 ext. 1001.